And & of Great Logos

Take example of Snapdeal – a classic. Or consider Videocon – in news today for bankruptcy.
Both organizations adopted new logos loaded with values and offshoot messages that spoke so well of each of the companies they represented. They went in for visual consistency and new systems of brand behaviour. Sadly though, no amount of monies could compensate for the implementation of the devised brand plan and direction (essentially, the charted brand strategy) because it didn’t seem to be backed by strong operational fundamentals.
More so, now that we see the state of Snapdeal and Videocon, it particularly appears that the respective logo change and brand refresh was more for an aesthetic alignment of both organizations. While it is not wrong to go in for an aesthetic change depending on the objective of the brand, getting the objective right is the most important. And to complete the circle, that needs to have strong operational style to back up the brand objectives, as mentioned above.
Of course, the topic merits in-depth discussion with learnings to be pulled out of individual cases. But in a nutshell, what is best is to know is that - Great logos can serve good businesses, and yet, great logos cannot save bad businesses.